I woke up to the familiar feeling of cold but hanging onto the knowledge that in about 2 hours it would soon be hot again.  However today was sports day so the scorching heat would would make for a hard days work. Ruairi and Arian were on volleyball; Andreja and I were tasked with Netball, Vu and Stefano were on basketball, Daniel and Jonathan leading the Athletics, Stefan and Chris on football, leaving Alessandro, Ryan, George, Abigail, Paddy, and Adam with the youngsters. The children seemed to thoroughly enjoy the day judging by the huge amount of sweat running down their faces and, at the end of the day, that's what we're here for - to make children happy and to help them gain more from life.

As we were nearing home time sister Euphrasia called a gathering for all visiting students and presented us with the traditional African tops for us to wear to our celebratory dinner that evening at one of the Moshi family hotels. After this we headed home and got ready for dinner which we were meant to attend any time after 6. Stefan's family however pushed that to the limit as they were still watching TV at home at 7:20, however his late entrance was acceptable as he wore a stunning shirt, which matched his little brother and sister. It was a buffet style meal with different rices and meats on offer - SHOCK! A lovely evening was rounded off by speeches, started off by our students it was time when we could thank our families for their hospitality and welcoming nature. This was followed by sister Euphrasia who must have spoken for at least half an hour, but no one minded due to Sister Euphrasia being Sister Euphrasia and the use of both Swahili and English. That symbolised the end of an eventful day and so we left for home to cosy up in our beds and to ready ourselves for the final stretch of out Tanzania adventure.

With love from team Tanzania 2017, Jack Barton.


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  1. Another great blog and the photos help bring it home to us as to what it must be like out there although with those green dresses are you sure you haven't gone to Ireland? Oh hold on a minute, that can't be the case as there is no rain in the photos.
    Hope you all enjoyed your last day as teachers. Perhaps you will get the bug and make it your career move
    It will not be long till you are back home so make the most of the final few days. AMDG.

  2. Hi Jack and Team Tanzania

    Thanks for the blog Jack - was wondering when you would step up to the plate!

    Waking up to a cold morning will be good acclimatisation for when you get back - it is cold, wet and windy here :(

    Loving the pictures - the delight on the faces of the children is wonderful to see and it certainly seems that you have made them happy - you are all truly men and women for others.

    Hope the Sports Day was a success (and that you and Andreja did a better job of organising the netball than you both did organising the football tournament at the end of year Mass and BBQ!!)

    I am sure you did yourselves, and all of us, proud with your speeches and votes of thanks for the warm welcome and hospitality you have all received and enjoyed. Must find out Sr Euphrasia's secret for being able to talk for half an hour and you not minding - I can normally manage about 2 minutes before you switch off/moan!! (I appreciate that she is a far better woman than I am and could ever hope to be).

    Looking forward to seeing you all in your traditional Tanzanian tops - and loving the green dresses ladies - gorgeous.

    Happy St Ignatius Day - enjoy the celebrations AMDG

    Love mum xxx

  3. You have all done such an amazing job I am so proud of you all. You all look so happy Chris sweetheart can't wait to see you enjoy your last few days and give my love to your family for looking after you

    Thanks for your messages baby mummy is doing well and thinking of you

    Love you always

    Mummy xxxx

  4. With all the good time and nice weather you having, I hope you wouldn't miss your flight back.
    I must admit it's hard to imagine Andreja playing a team sport and even more organising it.
    Still, I am sure kids enjoyed it and I am very proud of you!
    Miss you very much Andreja!
    Love from dad x

  5. Firstly ladies - you look amazing! I love love love the green! Glad to read a great blog again - well done Jack! Pictures are icing on the cake. Ruairi hope you have not left anything behind at your hosts house - I think maybe your phone? Or have you run out of text messages? Cannot wait to see you on Wednesday - your favourite meals will be lined up for the week! Xxxx

  6. Question for the teachers - are the school mini buses bringing you back or did you hire a bus?


  7. Hi all,
    Another amazing day for you all.
    I can't wait for the next blog & more photos of you in the sunshine. You all look tanned & well.
    Enjoy all the sunshine it's pouring down here!
    George we're looking forward to you coming home I've missed you loads.
    Lots of Love from
    Xx Mum Dad Harry & Sid xx

  8. Great Blog Jack and lovely photos too. Hope you all ok hard saying goodbyes to your families but what wonderful memories.
    See you all soon

    Love to all especially Paddy xx

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